Saturday, 21 May 2011

Wands Notes from

The Ace of Wands Tarot Card

Are you gaining confidence in a new field? Are you starting a new business? Is the feeling of wanting to create something as a means of self-expression building up within you? The Ace of Wands is the ultimate card of revealing the creative path that one is on.

Against a silver sky, a bulbous cloud hovers over a lush landscape. From this cloud appears a white hand holding a walking stick – a wand. The stick is a tree-branch that has been crafted with a thick top (to be held) and a thinner tip, to be pounded on the earth for support. There are still a few unshorn leaves and nascent branches up and down the shaft. White energy emanates from the hand. The landscape has trees, a brook and a castle off on a hill in the distance.

The Tarot suit of Wands represents creativity. The Ace of Wands is the most courageous and bold of these cards. This is not creativity that is taught in an academic environment, learned from books, or is approached as a hobby. This is boldly finding your own voice and insisting that the universe make a place for the manifestations of your vision. The Ace is the most potent and pure card of each Tarot suit. When your Tarot reading includes the Ace of Wands, a moment of bold expansion is marked. The landscape beneath the hand is a reminder of the possibilities for us to arrive in a world of perfection when we make life a creative response to our surroundings.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading places cards in the past, present and future positions. The cards then give us information about the foundation of our situation, the present predicament and the likely outcomes that are on their way.

When the Ace of Wands is in the past position, your reading has at its foundation a bold move that you took in the past. Perhaps it was getting married young, or leaving home. When the Ace of Wands is here, your creative instincts and talents mark your very identity.

In the present position, the Ace of Wands indicates your need to take a definitive stance. Many people who are leaving an old career and beginning a new, risky venture see the Ace of Wands in this position when they receive a Tarot reading. Starting your own business or pursuing the life of a creative artist (be it singing, writing, painting or whatever) is reinforced with this card in the present position. If you are torn about working in a rigid, confining, safe career or breaking out into the unknown and making your own way in the world, the Ace of Wands in the present position guarantees that it is time to abandon all drudgery and blaze a trail of your own.

In the future position, this card indicates that a big break is ahead, but it is a blessing. The break will come on your own terms but may appear to others to be fate or circumstance. This works even more to your favor, as the Ace of Wands is a card that strives to conceal creating a new path as historically inevitable. When this card is in the future position, you may have a little time to better plan your big breakout to make it appear to be even more a response to what is going on around you rather than the self-generated drama that it is. The Ace of Wands is not a card of defiance, nor destruction; it is a card of creating new realities that benefit you and others. The old order might be discarded in the process but the Ace of Wands shows that you will build a new order of things while the old structures around you are falling apart.

Meanings in Pairs
Two Aces showing up in a reading is an extremely rare occurrence. It is a powerful moment, though. The Ace of Wands combines well with any Ace – the Ace of Swords means that your newfound creativity will garner much praise. The Ace of Pentacles combines well with the Ace of Wands to ensure a big payday is coming from your bold moves. When the Ace of Cups is involved, a lover will find ways to be useful to your new venture.

Card Combinations
The Tarot reading is not about the meaning of just one card; it is about the synergy of each card influencing and informing the other cards in your reading. The whole meaning of a reading can change with the flip of one image coming into your consciousness.

In a reading that features many cards from the suit of Wands, the presence of the Ace will confirm to you to follow your current inspirations down a creative path. With many Swords present, a good argument will inspire you to create a masterpiece to explain your opinion on things. The Suit of Pentacles indicates that money matters will drive you to make a bold move. When there lots of Cups present when the Ace of Wands appears, look for a possible soulmate to be making a move toward you soon.

Three cards from the Major Arcana go well with the Ace of Wands: The Magician, Justice and The World. When any of these appear, things will be going your way on projects or plans you have. The Magician indicates that you will be the master of your own destiny. Justice reveals that the social structure is working in your favor. The World indicates that your creative plans are in synch with the natural order of things and should find their own high-water mark of success.

Exalting the Ace
When an Ace of any suit appears in a spread of cards, some Tarot readers exalt the Ace. First, the Ace is removed from its place in the spread. Then it is held above the cards, hovering above the entire reading. The place it occupied is filled in with another card. The Ace is exalted above the reading, influencing the entire experience toward a positive outcome.

The Two of Wands Tarot Card

Are you feeling in charge? Is your sense of self-empowerment so thorough that you feel like taking a gamble? Did you recently confront a tense task head-on? Have you had some recent successes that have increased your confidence? Can you brag, "I'm doing it my way"? Did you ever think you would enjoy being in a leadership position? The new level of independence and authority that you have achieved will pull the Two of Wands out of the Tarot deck and drop it into your reading. This card is confirmation that you are on a winning streak that is based on a belief in yourself and will continue as long as your original approach continues to solve problems for you and those around you.

A man in a distinctive hat stares out into the bay from the top turret of his castle. The sky is gray but the landscape over which he towers is lush. He holds a globe in his right hand and a walking stick, or wand, in his left, set firmly above his floral-bedecked coat of arms. Behind him another wand is mounted to the parapet.

Wands represent creativity. That this man is holding onto one and has another wand mounted in reserve show that he has backup plans that stem from his independent vision. His distinctive cap reminds us that he is fearless when it comes to appearing just how he pleases. The globe in his hand is the anomaly in an otherwise Medieval-based scene. He stands alone knowing that the world is round, that there are untapped riches beyond the bay in the distance. He alone has the foresight and his wands are the manifestation of what he can achieve with this powerful and unique vision.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Tarot readings are divided into areas dealing with your past, your present and your future. When a card lands in one of these areas, the meaning is distinct and can often be radically different had this card appeared in a different position.

The Two of Wands in the past position is an indicator that a recent power trip may have put you in the current state of affairs. Perhaps you got everything you wanted and are now in a state of contentment. The Two of Wands indicates that you saw a way to achieve and subsequently pushed your way to the top. Of course, not all power trips go well and this card could be a reminder of your confrontations in the past that led you to a place of isolation. Either way, this card here shows that your independent streak is the foundation of your current situation.

When this card is in the present position, you are feeling on top of the world and in charge. There is a strong possibility that you were recently given some new level of authority and you are embracing this as a sign of success. At its weakest, the Two of Wands here means that you can feel emboldened to raise your voice in objection to wrongs that you see. Hardly weakness, all things considered.

The future position is a weak position for this card. Sure, you will be outspoken in the coming months or years. But the isolation over your nonconformity could be startling. Expressing your opinions in an inappropriate manner and at the wrong time could lead you to ruling a kingdom of one: yourself. The Two of Wands can be the happy leader of the revolution celebrating having done the world some good or it could be a cranky old man on the porch hollering at the neighborhood kids to get off of his lawn. What is a refreshing urge to confront in order to resolve something in the past and present becomes a love of confrontation for its own sake. If the Two of Wands shows up in your reading in this position, it is the Tarot's way of reminding you to get some hobbies in order to have a diverse array of activities to enjoy.

Card Combinations
Every Tarot reading is a spread containing a few cards out of the deck. The cards interact with each other and the influence of each spreads throughout the reading. They change the meaning of other cards by defining the situations with which you will soon be faced.

The Two of Wands is the lower echo of The High Priestess (card #2) and The Hanged Man (card #12). The power of The High Priestess and the aloof individuality of The Hanged Man are echoed in the Two of Wands. If either of these cards accompanies the Two of Wands in your reading, pay close attention to messages about going your own way and maintaining control.

This card is closely related to the card that numerically follows it, the Three of Wands. That card has less of a confrontational manner and is more connected to what society needs or wants. The Two of Wands borders on nonconformity if left to its own devices. When these cards appear in the same reading, prepare for success on a project and many accolades for your hard work.

Death is a tense member of the Tarot deck. It represents change that you will have little to no control over. When it appears with the Two of Wands in a reading, this foretells an unexpected promotion of which you could never have dreamed. In the final chapter you will win the war after losing every battle.

Your skills will come in handy and help you hold onto power when the Eight of Pentacles appears in your reading with the Two of Wands. Often we gain power but lose it because of the inability to take care of the little details. Not so with this card combination.

The Two of Pentacles combines well with the Two of Wands, as you discover an interesting way to make money with all of the pull and persuasion that your unique outlook on life has garnered for you.

Three of Wands Tarot Card

An exciting card in any Tarot Reading is the Three of Wands. This card illustrates a lone man looking away from the viewer toward a distant vista. A bright yellow sky is the main backdrop. A golden ocean shows a few ships returning from distant lands. There are three wands (also called rods, these are wooden shafts that resemble a walking staff) firmly set upright out of the ground. He has his hand on one of them to his right. Two stand behind him. He is wearing brightly colored robes and a headband around dark brown hair.

All cards belonging to a suit are in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. They are all numbered and are descendents of the Major Arcana card carrying that number. The Three of Wands is descended from The Empress, the Major Arcana card emblazoned with a Roman numeral 3 at its crown. The Three of Wands reinforces the desire of The Empress for abundance. The ships, though tiny, are symbols of impending success. The high perch of the man in the card is a metaphor for grasping the big picture. The Three of Wands is a card that means success is on its way. This card implores you to maintain a confidence and steady commitment to see your dreams come to fruition.

The Three of Wands is a card that almost always represents the person receiving the reading. When it appears in your reading, the position will tell you when things will be most hopeful.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
The Three of Wands in the past position of a reading represents a situation in which you had hope. The reading may indicate that this has changed or is being reinforced depending on the card or cards in the present position. When the Three of Wands appears in a reading representing the present it reflects that you have invested a lot of optimism into some venture or relationship. Knowing whether this is a rational judgment or blind optimism can be ascertained. It will take an analysis of the cards surrounding the Three of Wands. The best position for the Three of Wands is the Future. When the card is drawn for here it shows that hope will spring eternal concerning all of the matters in which you are currently invested.

A deeper understanding of the Three of Wands and how it represents you in your reading is available by seeing which other cards are in the reading and where they are in relationship to this card.

The Suits
There are four suits in the Tarot Deck: Pentacles, Cups, Swords and Wands. Each carries its own meaning. There are distinct themes when any of the suits appear in a reading along with the Three of Wands.

A few Pentacle cards showing up with the Three of Wands indicates that a money situation is likely to get more hopeful. Positive love life energy abounds when the Three of Wands appears in a tarot spread that features many Cup cards. A reading with the Three of Wands and many other Wands cards represents a time to seize career opportunities as a way up.

One thing to be wary of is a lot of Sword cards in your reading if they are interacting with the Three of Wands. The reason for this is that Swords represent ideas and words and often interact with results-oriented Wands to make your plans just a bunch of hot air. Swords in a reading have a tendency to make the things you are optimistic about stay as ideas. Swords avoid tangible accomplishments. They might inspire the hopeful Three of Wands card if they are placed in the past. As predecessors, Sword cards are legendary in their power to be the spark of an idea that can be discussed until it is a plan that can be put into action. If, however a Sword card or two dominate the present or future situations in your reading that features the Three of Wands, this could mean that all of your hopes are illusions and that your plans for the future are not really well thought out or stand on shaky ground.

Major Arcana Combinations
When cards from the Major Arcana appear in a reading along with the Three of Wands, the Three of Wands immediately is reduced to a supporting role in the reading. A card with a supporting role tells us about superior cards in the deck. Major Arcana cards are superior to the Minor Arcana.

A Three of Wands is best paired with two Major Arcana cards: The Empress and Death. These cards are numbered 3 and 13 respectively. The Empress is a card that signifies gathering all the good things in life in one place, as one person, for one purpose. Death is a card that signifies a transformative purging of everything that is in the way of you being who you really are. The Three of Wands makes the seeking and acquisitiveness of The Empress a purpose-driven journey. The Three of Wands assures that the Death Card signifies a crossing over to a better chapter in one's life, unencumbered with the past.

When supporting The Hermit or The Hanged Man, the Three of Wands is great for supplying practical solutions to assist you getting out of the doldrums. When paired with Temperance, you will find that elusive will power needed to diet, stay sober or quit a destructive lover to whom you are addicted.

The Three of Wands showing up with The Emperor card indicates that a domineering boss or lover may actually be better for you than you initially suspected. Some women getting tarot readings find out that men who seem overly macho on the surface are often much more committed to being your protector than they ever imagined.

The Four of Wands Tarot Card

It is not really a surprise if you are ready for it, but the Four of Wands is the Tarot's way of letting you know that there is a surprise on the way and that you are going to be overjoyed by it.

Under a golden sky stands a structure of four large wooden walking sticks, or wands, set in the ground standing and joined at the top by a blossoming garland. This structure is alone, isolated in the foreground. Off in the distance are the city walls and watchtowers of a luxurious fortress. Coming from this secure location are robed celebrants approaching the structure, holding bouquets of flowers. Beyond these celebrants outside the walls of the city, other people can be seen coming and going.

The structure made of wands resembles a chuppah; this is a traditional canopy under which Jewish marriages are consecrated. Here the canopy is replaced by an open-air boundary of greenery and flowers. This symbolizes the non-exclusive nature of the Four of Wands. There is a happiness and contentment to this card that exists beyond one's ethnic or cultural identity. The city walls indicate that the peace and security provided by the structures in our life have made a pleasant surprise possible. These may be from our own hard work, a run of luck or some good associations with friends and family, but no matter the roots, the tangible experience of joy is upon you when this card appears in your Tarot reading. The pair of celebrants represents the coming excitement. Wands represent creative potential and the blossoming structure they form shows that the time is ripe to receive a reward for the breakthrough you have made or are about to make. The celebrants are those who will be there to share it with you. The people walking about the city walls are a reminder that in joy, as in tragedy, life goes on and things will return to normal at some point. It is unwise to feel entitled to joyous rapture on a regular basis.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
When your Tarot reading begins, the cards will be dealt into a specific pattern. This is called the "spread." Each position in the spread represents one of three areas of concern: your past, your present and your future. The placement defines how the card will be interpreted in your reading.

When the Four of Wands is in the past position, you invested effort and commitment wisely and the payoff established the foundation upon which you have since stood. Usually, it is some coming surprises most often foretold by the Four of Wands, but in the past position, you have had that wonderful moment of payout and are still feeling the glow of knowing the great joy that life can bring.

In the present position, the Four of Wands refers to your planning a celebration, birthday or anniversary and yet, a surprise is looming for you. The fact of life remains that we often only see beauty when we are not looking for it. Although a ritual that brings people together to mark an occasion is often meant to be beautiful, it can often consist of just going through the motions. The Four of Wands reveals that you will be surprised how an ordinary get-together will suddenly become one of the most wonderful moments of your life.

It is always good news ahead when the Four of Wands is in the future position of your reading. This is a signal of two things: the first is that the future forecast is coming pretty soon, in the next few months at the latest. Many Tarot readings feature a future forecast that will dominate the next few years or the rest of your life. The Four of Wands is not a card of an indeterminate future. The second thing represented by this card in this position is a joyous moment that you would never have predicted. For most of us, happiness occurs in hindsight; we recall good times and being happy regardless of whether or not we were bored or anxious at that time. There are precious few moments in life when we are truly happy and cognizant of that feeling as it is happening. The Four of Wands will not reveal the specifics of what is about to make you happy, but it does let you know that a surprise is coming. How big of a surprise? Big enough that even though you know it is coming, this surprise will still surprise you!

Card Combinations
When your Tarot spread is in front of you, the cards near each other subtly add to and alter the meaning of each other. The presence of a card is not the end of its visit to your reading. It may be impacting the forecast that another card has in store for you.

The Four of Wands is the minor echo of two cards in the Tarot's Major Arcana: The Empress and Temperance. When The Empress is present, your happy event and the subsequent surprises take on an elegant, classy tone and lead to a financial resolution. When Temperance is present, your appreciation for what you have earned leads to even better self-control. Learn more about the connection that the Four of Wands shares with the other cards numbered four in the Tarot deck.

When The Lovers card is present in a reading with the Four of Wands, your man is going to pop the question, especially if you two are going to a wedding soon and he gets inspired. When The High Priestess is in a reading with the Four of Wands, a man you like may be married or have mother issues he is trying to hide.

When the King of Wands is in a reading with the Four of Wands, your coming surprise has truly been earned and preparation for its arrival allows you to make the most of it. The King of Pentacles indicates that you are going to be reaping a fiscal reward.

When the Three of Swords pairs with the Four of Pentacles, the likelihood exists that a recent heartbreak will actually soon be seen as a blessing in disguise.

The Five of Wands Tarot Card

Are we having fun yet? Don't take it too seriously. Are you obsessed with making the most beautiful sand castle on the beach, knowing that the wave will consume it at high tide? If you still work to make the turrets of your sand castle just perfect, you have mastered the Five of Wands. This is the card that appears to tell you that some things you are involved with are just fun and games – either lighten up and enjoy them or find a way to better integrate them with your life.

Five boys appear to be in a scuffle. They each hold a wooden walking stick called a Wand and are clanking them together. They are dressed in play clothes from the era the Tarot was most recently codified, nothing any of us would dress a child in, but simple shirts and stockings, a hat or two and good shoes. The Wands are raised above their heads and are bumping into each other. Behind the children is a cloudless blue sky. They stand on solid ground.

The most important thing one might notice about the scene depicted on the Five of Wands is that none of the boys playing are being hurt. Wands are banging into Wands. This is a perfect depiction of the phrase "child's play." Therein, though, lies the problem presented by the Five of Wands. Are you spending all of your time on a creative project that really is just escapism? Is there more you could be doing with your life? Is a significant other waiting for a deeper commitment while you embrace a partying lifestyle? While all work and no play will make you dull, escaping into play will make you lonely and unfulfilled.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading has areas into which the cards are dealt. These areas represent your past, your present and your future. When the Five of Wands lands in the past position it can represent a time of your life on which you can look back fondly, one of frivolity and fun. The older you get, though, the more you might see a past defined this way as having wasted precious time. Or you might look back on a lifetime of great memories. The Five of Wands in this position is one that is almost impossible for a Tarot reader to pinpoint exactly, as the definition of "play" has distinct meanings that vary across cultures. A family that raises its children to excel in education would be ashamed to have an adult son or daughter have their past defined by the Five of Wands, while a family from an oppressive culture would be pleased that their children had adjusted to hardships and still found a release and enjoyment of the few things in life that they were allowed.

In the present position, the Five of Wands means that your life now has many mild dramas and exciting outings, but that they are insubstantial in the long run. Your chances of building a foundation for success will not ever come if you simply remain a pleasure seeker. However, a Tarot reading need not be a lecture. Perhaps you are in the middle of a vacation or have been working hard for years to enjoy the present. In that case, the Five of Wands in the present position is a validation of all your planning and confirms what you have earned.

In the future position, the Five of Wands is an indicator that you will have free time to enjoy casual hobbies and the lighter side of life. There is little brooding or serious work involved. You might be foregoing the chance to really make your mark once and for all or merely be setting out on an overdue vacation.

Card Combinations
Every Tarot Reading involves a group of Cards read individually as well as collectively. They refer to each other throughout the reading. The Cards that combine with the Five of Wands influence it greatly. This is a weak, passive card that changes greatly depending on the scenes around it in your Tarot reading.

When there are other Wands cards in your reading with this card, your playtime is actually valuable in bringing about creative solutions to projects on which you could make money and gain acclaim. If there are many cards from the suit of Swords, though, your escapism could become something that gets you into disagreeable arguments with a loved one. What starts out as harmless fun soon becomes an alienating activity.

When there are many cards from the suit of Cups in a reading with the Five of Wands present, the need to find a partner who shares the same passions as you is emphasized. If your hobby is rescuing animals and getting them to animal shelters, you probably are not going to have a successful love relationship with a man who wants to spend all his free time at a local casino playing poker. The presence of Cups insists that you match the passions that take up your free time.

The Five of Wands combines best with cards from the suit of Pentacles. Many Pentacles combining with the Five of Wands underscores that your passions for a hobby are so great that you might consider getting a job in that field. For example, if you love professional sports and spend all of your time watching your favorite team on television, why not get a part-time job as an usher at the stadium or start a blog and report on your favorite team in the hopes of selling advertising on your blog's website?

Cards in the Major Arcana that combine well with the Five of Wands are The Star, The Moon and The Sun. These cards reinforce that you should enjoy the frivolities of life and find a way to incorporate them into your definition of a full and successful existence.

The Six of Wands Tarot Card

Have you been feeling like a winner? Is there something in which you take great pride that is getting noticed? If this is the case, don't be surprised if you see the Six of Wands show up in your Tarot reading. This is the card of reaping the reward and enjoying the fruits of victory. This card stands for triumph, plain and simple.

A horseback rider of neutral gender parades through a crowd of people. Holding a wand in the right hand and the horse's reins in the other, five other wands are held up by the onlookers under a cloudless blue sky. The horse rider's wand has a wreath attached to it. The horse is white and is covered in a parade cloak of bright color. The rider is looking away from us, toward the crowd and is wearing the laurel crown of victory.

That the horse rider pictured in the Six of Wands is gender neutral indicates that the card is always concerning the person receiving the Tarot reading. It is your victory, so savor it. The blue sky is one more indicator of the positive nature of this card. The bright colors all underscore that not only is pride and accomplishment on display, but that there is a joy to be had in it – a celebration.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
The location of the Six of Swords does not change its meaning, but it does let you know when this peak of pride in your life was, is or will be. If the Six of Wands is in the past part of your Tarot reading, the foundation of your current situation is in the victories or moments of pride from some time ago. Perhaps you are seeking a Tarot reading because life is not so glamorous or meaningful as it once seemed. Men in the midst of balding, graying or full-blown mid-life crises, often see this card in the past position. It harkens back to the days of their quarterbacking victories. Women who put a lot of emphasis on physical beauty and suddenly see their standards being eclipsed by younger women are likely to see the Six of Wands indicate that their current dilemma is based on the pride of the past.

A Six of Wands landing in the present position of your Tarot reading indicates that complete victory is at hand. If you are seeking the Tarot reading to see if a court case or other struggle is about to be over, this is an affirmative answer delivered on horseback. If you are looking for answers as to why you are struggling with a relationship or other personal setbacks, be they career, emotional or financial, the Six of Wands demands that you consider how your pride and vanity may be getting in the way of simple solutions.

This is perhaps the best position for this card as it is a hopeful placement and a card of glorious accomplishment. This is an indicator that a victory is coming. If you are working on an artwork or business plan, work project or slow soulmate seduction, the placement of this card insists that you should not now give up. One woman who had this placement in a reading soon found that the man on whom she had a crush had long been lusting after her, as she was "his type." She immediately went from feeling self-conscious and unsure of herself to knowing that he had put her on a pedestal precisely because of who she was. You can be sure she was riding on a stallion of pride soon after.

Card Combinations
The Six of Wands lends itself to the presence of other suits very well. When Swords are in the mix with this card, the reading indicates that you will say something to make an unassailable point on behalf of a friend or colleague. A reading that has a lot of other Wands adds to the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing a great project. When the Six of Wands makes an appearance amidst a group of Cups, emotional triumph will soothe old wounds, and perhaps permanently heal them. When the Six of Wands is surrounded by the suit of Pentacles, it is a good time to invest, play the lottery, hit the tables in Vegas or sell an old trinket for which you care little at the top of its market. It is said that banker J.P. Morgan sold an investment in a majority stake in a railroad company after the Six of Wands appeared in a reading with some Pentacle cards. After the transaction was completed, a recession hit and he bought the entire company back for 10% of what he had sold his shares for within a year.

When this card is paired with The Empress or The Emperor cards, a teacher, boss, parent or an older lover will heap praise on you. In the past position, such a pairing indicates a spoiled childhood.

The Six of Wands is the lower echo of The Chariot and The Tower. Both of these cards signal change, The Chariot being a card of dominating victory and The Tower being a card illustrating the intrusion of unexpected chaos. When the Six of Wands appears with one of these cards, a life-changing accomplishment occurs. This is the difference between being interviewed about an event for the evening news and others being interviewed about you for the evening news.

A number of Minor Arcana cards near the Six of Wands in a reading can indicate that the victory you are about to enjoy will not be what you think it is. Cards with a lot of gray in them, or ones with cloudy skies and sad, lonely people in them can pull the joy out of the Six of Wands. This does not mean that you didn't earn a victory; it means that some forces in the universe will not let you enjoy it to its fullest extent.

If The Sun or The World cards are with the Six of Wands in a reading, your accomplishments will set the standard for years to come. Congratulations!

The Seven of Wands Tarot Card

Have you stood up for what you believed in despite formidable opposition? Are you sticking to your position no matter what new ideas appear to challenge your thinking? Are you about to become a whistleblower? Are you guided by your integrity and strong character no matter how easy slacking off from the rules appears to be? The complex Seven of Wands card will appear in your Tarot reading when these circumstances are prevalent in your everyday life. This card lets you know that, yes, you really are alone in the way you think, feel and behave; but that position might be the best thing you have going for you in your life right now.

A man stands on solid ground, but near a small cliff. From within this precipice emerge six wooden walking sticks, known as wands. The man has a fixed gaze upon them and holds his own wand in outstretched arms. He angles his stick in a defensive posture – he is ready for an attack from any one or all of these other wands. Behind him is a cloudless blue sky.

The man's position is not weak. He is superior to the wands that may or may not be on the attack. The serene sky indicates that the situation alone is not dangerous. The posture he is adopting illustrates that he knows his strengths and weaknesses and is constantly assessing the situation in order to maintain his position. Wands represent creativity and in this card the man's commitment to his own way of doing things, his own belief system and his own creative vision runs counter to the views of others, and he seems quite prepared to defend his unique outlook on life.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Each Tarot card reading is divided into three sections: your past, your present and your future. You can have a reading at different times in your life and see the same cards combine for different meaning that applies to where you are at in the specific time frame you receive your reading. A card landing in one position may have a radically different interpretation than it would have in any other position.

When the Seven of Wands is in the past position, you stood your ground in the past; you can look back on this absolute belief in your position as the foundation of where you are today and who you have become. Many people who left home at an early age find this card showing up in the past position, as the Seven of Wands is inherently a card of independence.

The present position is a place that the Seven of Wands practically calls home. Many people seek out Tarot readings specifically when they are looking for some sort of support while standing their ground. The presence of this card in this position confirms that you are about to blow the whistle on those who are in disagreement with you.

This card in the future position is actually quite weak despite its depiction of a man on solid ground. The implication is that your current behavior will be putting you in a position of having to defend yourself needlessly. The Seven of Wands in the future position is a loud warning that you likely will not be operating with enough integrity now and in the future. You might become unable to avoid others questioning the way in which you take care of business.

Card Combinations
Every Tarot reading is a collection of cards. The whole group forms your reading, with each individual card interacting with every other card. When the Seven of Wands is joined by The Magician card, your struggle will succeed in convincing others to come to your side of the argument. When The High Priestess is present in a reading with the Seven of Wands, someone close to you would be of great assistance, and may even be aware of your plight, but you will have to work hard and ask nicely to receive this person's assistance.

The Seven of Wands is the lower echo of two cards numbered 7 and 17: The Chariot and The Star. The Chariot is the card of absolute victory. When it is present in your reading with the Seven of Wands, you maybe alone in your battle, but you will prevail. When The Star is in a reading with the Seven of Wands, you are more committed to your ideals as the fight to defend them deepens.

When any of the court cards from the Wands suit are in a reading with the Seven of Wands, your ideas and creative inspiration are more thoroughly developed and, therefore, seem worth fighting for. The Page of Wands inspires taking a new approach in your defense of an old idea. The Knight of Wands delivers a way to market your point of view to a bigger audience. The Queen of Wands combining with the Seven of Wands influences you to see the other side's point of view, but only to better give you methods of bringing over the true believers to your side. The King of Wands brings you a mastery over some form of artistry that inspires many people to dance to the tune you play.

When The Devil Tarot card is present with the Seven of Wands, you are fighting a battle for a manipulative individual. Slow down and assess the situation to make sure you are not being used. The Hierophant is a card that influences the Seven of Wands to fight the battle of a bigger cause. Are you being subsumed into taking a stance against friends and co-workers over a political or religious belief that could be avoided in the interactions of otherwise polite mingling?

The Seven of Wands is the card of fighting for what you believe in and the presence of the Justice card indicates that things will go your way, but that it might be a long time fighting. The Strength card eases the battle but does not necessarily make you too many friends. Judgment is a powerful card of definitive conquest. When it combines with the Seven of Wands, be assured of the righteousness of your cause. Don't, however, waste your life fighting for a victory that will not come until you are long gone.

The Eight of Wands Tarot Card

Do things seem to be speeding up in your life? Is there a sense of urgency to the daily proceedings? Are you headed toward a long-sought conclusion? Is a settlement about to appear in a long-running dispute? Have you gotten closer to your goal in the past week than in the past year? Are the flirtations of a friend or co-worker suddenly more inviting? The Eight of Wands is the card the Tarot delivers when your excitement over a positive turn of events is compressing time and making every moment heightened with anticipation.

While some versions of this card may have a miniscule landscape across the bottom, the majority of them simply have an unimpeded sky blue background with eight wooden walking sticks, or wands, splayed about the card. This is the rare Tarot card with no people in it. There is no hint at anyone being there.

Were the wands tossed? Are they being dropped? Or are they flying on a breeze? The lack of a person in a card is rare, but the lack of even the presence of someone is an even more rare Tarot illustration. The only person associated with these wands is, in fact, you, the viewer of the card. Wands are the Tarot deck's symbol of creativity and you are looking at many creative possibilities all falling into place, just as you would like. This is a powerful omen; use it to advance your standing in the world.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading involves the placement of some Tarot cards into specific positions that make up a complete pattern. These positions represent your past, your present and your future. Where one card lands establishes a meaning that would often be quite different were it to have landed in another position. Some cards in the deck are far more powerful in one of these positions than in others.

When the Eight of Wands is in the past position in your reading, you might be able to look back on a time when everything almost magically landed in the right position for you to take advantage of great opportunities. If this was the case, your reading wants you to take stock of how well you managed to do with the chances you were given. If you are in a good space and are getting this reading during a calm time in your life, the Eight of Wands in the past position indicates that when the universe worked in your favor a few months or years ago, you ran with it. You got ahead and made the most of the access you were granted, the favors that were bestowed and the contacts that networking delivered. If the purpose of your Tarot reading is because things are not going so well right now, the Eight of Wands in this position lets you know that you may have not made the most of the opportunities in your recent past.

The Eight of Wands in the present position is an exciting place. Look around – this is a golden opportunity of a time for you. Things are going your way. Sometimes we are so used to plodding through oppositions and setbacks that making strides and fulfilling goals creates an anxiety because the familiarity of failure is replaced by a strange success. Are you getting a Tarot reading because everything going right in your life is producing a weird feeling?

In the future position in your reading, the Eight of Wands is a harbinger of opportunity. The Tarot wants to assure you that big things are coming and that a vision you have for the way things should be might actually start to occur. Stay upbeat and look for signs that things are turning your way. When you see this action happening, put positive energy out there and let it return the amplified rewards of the universe to you.

Card Combinations
Every Tarot reading is a grouping of cards that have individual meaning. Yet the reading combines these meanings to give you the message of the Tarot.

When the Eight of Wands is in a reading with either the Strength card (#8) or The Moon card (#18), your reading is especially powerful as this Wands card is the lower echo of these two. When either appears in your reading, it emphasizes the need to follow your hunches on the appearance of chance opportunities.

When another card with the number eight in it appears in a reading with this card, the Tarot indicates that you are winding things up in a dramatic fashion. When the Eight of Cups is present with this card in your reading, your love life is ending one cycle and beginning another. It may not be easy, but the big change is predestined and will culminate soon. An affair could be over. An engagement could become a marriage.

When the Eight of Pentacles is in a reading with the Eight of Wands, you are absolutely on the right path and the only thing holding you back from success could be the people in your life who will not leave you alone to follow your own hunches. The Eight of Swords coupling with this card means you are your own worst enemy when it comes to being held back from taking charge of your own destiny. Quit blaming others and unleash your inner strength.

When The Wheel of Fortune is in a reading with the Eight of Wands, the chance that you might lose a recent victory becomes a distinct possibility. Are you willing to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours?

If your reading with the Eight of Wands card also features The Chariot card, you will be excited to find that a dream is coming true. You may have fantasized about a specific person as your possible soulmate and suddenly will discover that you were on a pedestal in his or her eyes as well.

In conclusion, the Tarot sends you the Eight of Wands when it is time to let the universe toss your creative abilities into the air and follow them to wherever they might land, making the most out of the energy they gather from the flight.

The Nine of Wands Tarot Card

When you are hanging in there, persevering under pressure and holding on despite the forces pulling at the other end of your rope, expect the Nine of Wands to appear in your Tarot reading. This card is either a welcome sign that you are truly holding your own in a long-term project or that you are needlessly hanging on to a point of view that is past its time.

A man stands alone, clutching his wooden staff. His posture is erect with a wary look on his face as he glances over his shoulder. Standing behind him are eight wooden staffs. They seem to be firmly planted. His expression tells us that they are somehow responsible for the bandage that is wrapped around his forehead. He has been in battle. He has suffered a wound. But he is still standing, alert and as straight and strong as those other wands aligned behind him. Beyond this fence of wooden staffs is a pristine and peaceful landscape of verdant green hills and endless blue skies.

This is the rare Tarot card that exists in three dimensional space. What that means is that the man in the card may have those wands as his arsenal for a battle and the battle may be taking place outside of the card! Or the wounded man is leaving a world beyond the card and is only stopping for a moment of rest before battling to break beyond into the peaceful landscape deep within the card. This Tarot card reveals a pause without surrender in a battle that you fill with persistence.

Wands represent our creativity. The walking staff is a visual metaphor for the thing we carry with us that makes our journey through life easier. The wounded man is you, battling. Whether it is a divorce, office politics, or a nosy neighbor, the battle has not beaten you when the Nine of Wands appears. The placid landscape itself may represent boredom and the wounded man represents you wanting to step out of the Tarot card and into real life. Find your creative voice and do battle by challenging your own excellence.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading is broken down into looking at the past, assessing the present and foretelling the future. Where each card lands can change both the meaning of the card and the impact it has on you.

The Nine of Wands in the past position indicates that you had intense struggles and a dogged persistence to get where you are now. Often, people who are done with a struggle want to forget about it and are happy to move on. The Nine of Wands in the past position reminds you to know and trust your own strength and determination. It is where you came from, after all.

When this card is in the present position, it is an acknowledgment that you are in the middle of a great struggle. You might not realize that your efforts are out of the ordinary. Your battle may seem so obviously the right thing to do that you do not realize how great and against the odds it truly is. Whether it is raising a child with learning disabilities or working hard to finish your master's thesis, you really have to be persistent in what you do to manifest the Nine of Wands in the present position.

When this card is in the future position, prepare now for the current turmoil to turn into a struggle. If things are peaceful now, gather strength for the battle that may begin soon. Plan now on how to diffuse tension so that a coming disagreement does not turn into a protracted fight. The battles that we win most decidedly are the ones that we anticipate and actually manage to avoid.

Card Combinations
When the spread of Tarot cards are laid out for a reading, each card informs those around it. When a lot of Sword cards are in a reading with the Nine of Wands, your battles are particularly angry and sharp words mark the high and low points. When other Wand cards are present, your struggles involve an extra dose of creativity. Lots of Cups? Expect there to be deep emotional attachment to the struggle you have gone thru, are in now or will be seeing arise in the future. When cards from the suit of Pentacles dominate a reading that includes the Nine of Wands, the arguments in your life have been or will be about money or personal property at their core.

The Nine of Wands has a special relationship with two of the Major Arcana Tarot cards: The Hermit and The Sun. The Hermit, numbered 9 in the Tarot deck, represents the solitude aspect of fighting your battle alone. The Sun, numbered 19 in the Tarot deck, represents the joy of complete victory and the narcissism of the child who is the center of his or her own universe. When these cards accompany your Tarot reading, they affirm that this battle is a myopic necessity on your part. You have chosen this battle and persist in it to give your life meaning.

When The Nine of Wands is in a reading that features The Fool, your great struggle has, at its core, the desire for freedom. Some cards in the Major Arcana represent other people when they interact with the Nine of Wands. Often they represent the person you are dealing with. When The Magician card appears, you are battling with a liar who is powerfully convincing. The Emperor is a card of intense masculine certainty and often indicates a powerful authority figure is in the way of your interests. The Empress indicates a struggle with the muse when it appears in your Tarot reading along with the Nine of Wands. If you are an artist, writer or struggling with some other creative project, the appearance of the Empress validates the tough time you are having with your creative project and also indicates that the reason it is so tough is that you are on the verge of creating a masterpiece.

The Ten of Wands Tarot Card

Is there too much of a good thing? Are you trying to please too many people? Have you taken on too much work? Do you have numerous talents that do not necessarily match up into one vocation, hobby or outlet? Are you starting to see your dream become such a grind that you are facing the facts about the likelihood that it may never actually manifest? Look for the Ten of Wands to appear in your Tarot reading. This is the card of carrying a load that you probably brought on yourself with good intentions, but are stuck with as quite the burden.

A man is walking away from the viewer toward a small building way off in the distance. He is holding ten large walking sticks, or wands. The clump of wands is fanned out in an orderly manner, towering above him. His head is buried in the middle of this alignment, his arms holding everything in place, as he seems to slowly trudge onward and away.

This is one of the few cards in the Tarot deck that reveal all within the illustration. There are no obscure references or associations. The blue sky and perfect day illustrated in the card are indicators that outside forces have little to do with causing this man's plight. Ten is the Tarot number of abundance, Wands are the Tarot symbol of creative energy and the Tarot deck illustrates a person with too many of these creative aspirations on a slow road home.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading starts with the cards being dealt into specific positions representing the past, present and future of the person receiving the reading. The Ten of Wands in the past position represents either a youth with many obligations to the point that you have a clouded view of your childhood, or it could indicate that a recent overextension of your resources has lead to your current predicament, whatever that might be.

In the present position, the Ten of Wands lets you know that you are in over your head. You may have a brilliant idea and feel like you could be successful but there is a lot that you do not know about your field of choice and ignorance of the everyday realities will hinder your development. Wands represent creativity and often appear in the Tarot readings of people who are starting their own business. So many businesses fail when someone assumes they can "wing it." If you open a restaurant because you are a good cook, you may find that the local health department has many regulations about what you are and are not allowed to do. If you do not have administrative help, you may be left unable to cook because you are filling out paperwork and replacing your cooking equipment with the proper models. You could become overwhelmed and lose your passion for cooking before you even open the doors to your dream.

In the future position, the Ten of Wands is the harbinger of the result of your current enthusiasm. This card in this position is a blessing of forewarning. If you have just begun a relationship, this is an indication that your new partner may be so high-maintenance that your role in the partnership will be as caretaker to his many needs and demands. When you get this card in a reading in this position, it is best to prepare now to draw definite boundaries over what you will and will not do in a relationship or group project. Work hard now to avoid carrying the load in the future.

Card Combinations
When Tarot cards are dealt, the group interacts together. A card in combination with another is different than a card alone or grouped with a completely different card in an earlier or later reading.

As a card with a 10, this is the lower echo of three cards in the deck: The Wheel of Fortune (card #10), Judgment (card # 20) and The Fool (card #0). Tens represent abundance and all the good and bad that "too much" entails. When the Ten of Wands is in the same reading as The Wheel of Fortune, the negativity of the Ten of Wands is mitigated by the knowledge that good times are coming your way. If Judgment is in a reading with this card, the weight of what you are carrying may be something you have to carry for longer than you expected. If The Fool shows up you will soon find that your burden has been an illusion all along.

There are three other Minor Arcana cards numbered ten. The Ten of Swords combines with the Ten of Wands to emphasize the bitterness of carrying such a load and you may find that you are complaining to people who would have tried to help you had you just been polite to them. The Ten of Pentacles is a card of hope when it is in a reading with this card, as you are given assurances from the Tarot that the load is worth carrying. The Ten of Cups reminds you that you are extending yourself specifically out of love for other people when it is in the same reading as the Ten of Wands.

Along with the Ten of Swords and Ten of Wands, there are a few other Tarot cards that have all of their characters turning away from the viewer. The Six of Swords features three people turned away from the viewer. Combined with the Ten of Wands, this combination actually increases your ability to concentrate on the numerous projects you are carrying. It allows you to speak seriously and persuasively if you are trying to raise money to extend one or more of your projects.

The Three of Wands features one figure staring away from the viewer and is a card of optimism – this card is a symbol of a project with focus and attention to detail instead of scattered energy. The combination of these two cards will allow you to pare down your excess jobs and regain commitment to the most important tasks at hand. The Seven of Cups and Eight of Cups both feature one individual turned away from the viewer and one illusion of a face. In the Seven of Cups the face appears out of a cup and the figure turned away is seduced by the glamour appearing out of each cup. Combined with the Ten of Wands and this is a combination that almost assures none of your many current struggles is leading you anywhere beyond illusion. In the Eight of Cups we see a traveler walking away from a stack of cups and a face on the Moon glancing across the sky at him. Paired with the Ten of Wands, this card combination allows you to leave behind manipulative people and other sentimental but unproductive attachments that might be in the way of your making money or otherwise succeeding at what you love doing.

The Page of Wands Tarot Card

A Tarot reading reveals many things about you and the people around you. The Page of Wands is a card that blesses any tarot reading with the good fortune of youthful creativity. But how you use this blessing can be an exciting accomplishment or a total disaster.

The Card is a simple depiction of a young boy holding a wooden staff (Wand) that is just a bit taller than him. He is looking toward the top of the Wand, dressed in yellow and wearing a funny bowler hat adorned with a feather. In the Tarot deck's court of wands, the clothing pattern is repeated in the Knight, King and Queen of Wands. Each Tarot deck has a unique illustration of the court costumes, but the court of Wands is usually depicted in a yellow or gold fabric with dragon or lizard patterns in a dark color. This signifies the synergy with nature that the suit of Wands illustrates.

Determining what the card represents is often a case of where in a reading the card appears. Tarot readings place cards in the positions of the past, present and future.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
The Page of Wands in the past position represents you in the child stage. It can be a good version, full of the confidence and untarnished love that are represented by youth. It can be a bad version, spoiled rotten and expectant of getting anything you want through whining and throwing tantrums.

Page cards in the present position represent you starting life over again. The Page of Wands shows you with a new idea of taking control over your own destiny. It is a powerful card in the present position, a clean slate with momentum in your favor.

The future position is a positive place for the Page of Wands card. This shows that a bright future of new adventures and creative expression will be yours after the current trials pass on.

The child depicted as the Page of Wands has some obvious growing up to do, and yet he is quite happy with his awkward elegance. This card has a bit of pride in it, the type of pride that can blind you to present realities. Often, not knowing the severity of a situation helps you survive it. But by and large this card emphasizes that the creativity (represented by the wand) of youth (represented by the young page) will be yours to find a new manifestation of your psyche in the world.

All Wand cards are about creativity and its relationship to the world around you. Businessmen must be creative to stay ahead in a competitive world. Teachers must be creative in how they impart information to students. Parents must be creative when they raise a child. Of course artists must be creative, but one does not have to be in the arts to use the opportunity presented by a wand.

Card Combinations
The call for childlike creativity in a tarot reading is dependent on the other cards in your tarot spread to give you an idea of where this can best be applied. If there are other wand cards in your reading, the urgency for a creative solution is more apparent. If there are lots of Swords in a reading that features the Page of Wands, you might be speaking out of turn or naive about the impact of your words. A reading with this card and many pentacles reveals that creative solutions to financial situations could make you rich! If cards with cups in them accompany this card, your love life will have a new energy to it, perhaps even a rebirth of how it felt the first time you were with the one you loved.

Court Cards combine in readings to give you a view of relationships. If another Court Card (Page, Knight, Queen, King) appears in a reading with the Page of Wands, understand that the reading is detailing a relationship in your life of great importance. Two Pages always represent childish behavior. A Knight card indicates you will feel a youthful rebirth quite soon. A Queen and a Page bring up gender issues where one person in a relationship lacks the consciousness and wisdom of the other. Any King card is similar, except the chasm in the relationship will be over generational differences – perhaps a lover who is much older or younger than you is about to enter the picture!

When the Page of Wands is paired with The Hermit card, your recent hobbies are serving to isolate you from friends and family. This is a message to get them involved or to find a group that shares your passion. Paired with The Fool card and you are even more alone from traditional relationships, although this is not necessarily a bad thing. The Page of Wands paired with the Temperance card is an extraordinary combination, as the ability to forego mindless pursuits of pleasure, as represented by Temperance, delivers to you all the vitality of youth that the Page stands for.

One card that is not a good combination to have with the Page of Wands is The Devil Tarot card. This is a card of surrendering to pleasure until one becomes a servant of that very thing. Addictions and illusions abound when this card enters a reading. Paired with the Page of Wands, the naivete of your childish attitudes further clouds your reason, along with any ability to spot self-destructive patterns emerging from your pursuits of pleasure.

Although the Death card might appear scary, it actually combines quite well with the Page of Wands. This is a reading that emphasizes making a giant leap into a new existence, one that is not beholden to the structures that you have built in your life up to this point. While most change is painful (represented by the Death card), this card combination offers you a chance to begin again, renewed and carrying a clear vision that the creative Page of Wands card represents.

The Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Are you about to make a bold move? Has a project assigned to you been executed with an impressive new approach? Are you thinking outside the box and getting noticed at school or on the job? Has a creative inspiration caused you to get to work on your masterpiece? Is a solution to customer problems inspiring you to start your own business? The Knight of Wands would likely show up in your Tarot reading under such circumstances, as it is the card of sudden solutions arriving in a flurry of inspiration.

Across an arid desert landscape a charging light brown stallion carries the Knight. He has on a full suit of armor and an outer shawl decorated in the colors and patterns that match the other Wand Court Cards (Page, Queen, and King of Wands). On his helmet is a red plume that resembles flames as it flaps in the wind caused by his speeding horse. He has plumes on the armor surrounding his arms that match in color and wind-blown ferocity. With the same arm he tightly clutches his horse's rein. In his right arm he carries the walking staff known in the Tarot deck as a Wand. He raises it above his head as his horse charges on.

Fire is a metaphor for speed. Without a flame being lit, this card is on fire! The heat of the desert, the cloudless sky, the red headed knight racing to complete a task, the fiery plumage, it is all a card of immediacy and, with the Suit of Wands, creativity. The Tarot was invented long before electricity was harnessed. Had it been a more recent development, you can bet that the Knight of Wands would be pictured with a light bulb over his head! This Knight is riding his horse fast because of a sudden inspiration. Something can be solved and it is up to the Knight to get the solution out to the world. In the Tarot, Knights deliver, most often for the greater good.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading is divided into sections representing your past, your present and your future. Where a card lands will change its meaning. When the Knight of Wands lands in the past position, you are removed from a time in your life when a great notion made you start a big change. Perhaps there is tension from that change you made. The Knight of Wands would represent that the path you followed might have been a bit too spontaneous. If you are doing well right now, the Knight of Wands in the past position shows that spontaneous responses to your life early on led you to harness skills that came in handy in building a good life.

The Knight of Wands in the present position indicates that a new idea or creative inspiration is about to consume you. This could indicate a love obsession, especially if the reality of you and a certain someone getting together would shock or scandalize the neighborhood, friends and family. The Knight of Wands appears in the present position when you are strongly considering a relationship with a much younger or older man, or a relationship that is experimental in nature; perhaps your first encounter with another woman. The Knight's inspiration is a flood of intense connections of many ideas and feelings that challenge tradition and the social order.

In the future position, you can take comfort in knowing that a great idea or creative spurt is coming your way. The Knight in the future position is often likely to represent someone else, not you. This could represent a man coming into your life. The Knight of Wands represents other people who are charismatic, intelligent, or artistic; they have a flair for saying the right thing at the right time. This is the recipe for seduction. Be sure he is more than just a passion poet looking for the quick score, though. The speed represented by this card should manifest as both of you falling in love, not him quickly seducing you and moving on soon after.

Card Combinations
The Tarot Reading is about cards influencing each other. All of a card's meaning and energy changes depending on the cards that are placed next to it in a reading. While no meaning ever changes entirely, the focus of where a card applies in your life can be much clearer.

If there are lots of other cards from the suit of Wands in your Tarot reading that features the Knight of Wands, the power of your creativity is extraordinarily high. This is a great chance to impress a boss or authority figure if you are working on an important project. Just be careful to try and work with everyone in a fair manner. The Knight is emboldened by other Wands and can leave diplomacy behind.

If your reading has a lot of cards from the suit of Swords, there is a strong chance that your ideas and creative outlets will create controversy. Swords are cards of verbal expression and argumentation. The best thing about an appearance of Swords here is that you can now take time to be prepared to defend your vision and approach. When the Knight of Wands is joined by lots of cards from the Pentacles suit, look for material gain to be the result of a great idea. An old saying is that "Good ideas are a dime a dozen," so if that is true, when you have this card combination you will be hitting the jackpot of all the dimes you did not get over the span of your life.

When the suit of Cups shows up in a reading that features the Knight of Wands, prepare for a satisfying adventure of the heart. This is a great combination if you are a newlywed or have just moved in with your lover for a long-term relationship. If you are only on the flirting stages, though, be sure this guy is a long-range partner probability, as the Cups urge you to surrender your heart quickly. The Knight of Wands is one card that knows how to inflame passion.

The Queen of Wands Tarot Card

Have you noticed a pleasant popularity in your life? Are you feeling more upbeat about your present situation as well as the future? Have you noticed that you no longer get annoyed at things that you once found aggravating? You might be so active and upbeat that the appearance of the Queen of Wands Tarot card in your reading will not be a surprise at all. Your optimism and active daily routine reflect using your creative energy to be part of the good solutions in the world. Your reading will reveal where you can best apply your cheery, classy approach to life.

A crowned queen sits on her throne. She holds a walking stick, or wand, in her right hand and a large fresh cut flower in her left hand. A tapestry illustrated with a pattern of lions and this flower is often depicted adorning the back of her throne. The sky is clear and blue. In her warm gray cape and golden robes she peers off into the distance with a peaceful look about her. A cat is often depicted at her feet.

The placid scene is an indicator of the self-assurance and undistracted calm that runs throughout this card. Wands represent creativity and queens represent applying the feminine energy of accepting life's paradoxes. When you have accepted that there is no rigid definition to life, your creative solutions will make you happy and keep you active. The throne on which this queen sits is decorated with lions, symbol of royalty, of having mastered the position into which life has placed you. The flower in the hand of this queen accents her throne to reinforce the feminine power of reproduction, nurturing a seed into the beauty of a full bloom. While the suit of Wands privileges the creative process and spirit, the Queen of Wands represents a deeper absorption of this creative urge; creativity becomes second nature, and one's day to day explorations and activities under the presence of this card are the equivalent of having painted one's own masterpiece.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading is divided into sections representing different time periods of your life. Everything does not happen at once; there is a past, present and future position in your Tarot reading. The cards are dealt into specific positions and establish meanings there.

When the Queen of Wands is in the past position, you recently had a great time. This could go back to a wonderful, almost magical childhood. It could be as recent as a good vacation or an extended period of being yourself around those you most love. Your present situation is rooted in the past and having the Queen of Wands in this position is the Tarot's way of assuring you that your foundation is an optimistic core that loves life.

In the present position, this card indicates that you are at a new plateau in your development. You are able to more clearly see where you have been and can appreciate the trials and tribulations of days gone by as much as you can the victories, for the good and bad have made you a more complete person.

The future position is a wonderful place for the Queen of Wands to make her appearance in your reading. The solution to your current predicament will bring you to a place of confidence; this card here illustrates that you will soon tackle obstacles and will finally, securely believe in yourself. Like the Strength Tarot card, the relationship between you and the king of the beasts is one in which you master all of your talents into instincts. Success will seem to come in the blink of an eye, but it is an accumulation of wisdom and using your inner strength; a process years in the making that leads to your future victories.

Card Combinations
Your Tarot reading involves more than one card and each of these individually illustrated cards is spread out in order to interact with each other. The presence of card combinations influences the whole of your reading.

When the Queen of Wands is joined by another queen card, this indicates the presence of a strong, supportive person in your life. The Queen of Pentacles could indicate a friend or family member loaning you money. The Queen of Swords appearing in a reading with the Queen of Wands combines to reveal a friend is influenced by your ideas and is spreading the word for you. The Queen of Cups manifests as someone delivering much-needed emotional support when paired with the Queen of Wands.

The presence of a King Tarot card in a reading with the Queen of Wands challenges your easygoing ways with firm ideas of how to do things. The King of Cups indicates that a love interest has definite rules that must be followed if you are to ever receive his or her affection. The Queen of Wands will ask long and hard if this is even worth it. The King of Pentacles holds onto his money and may put you in a financial bind. The King of Wands matches well as he gives his queen a discriminating taste on getting the best out of all your pursuits. The King of Swords represents a companion who is suddenly and unexpectedly critical of the Queen of Wands.

The other court cards are Pages and Knights. Any of these cards represent the powerful presence of another person receiving inspiration from the Queen of Wands or interacting with your daily enthusiasm. You will teach someone a valuable lesson if your reading features the Knight of Wands or the Page of Wands combined with their queen. The Page of Swords and the Knight of Swords indicate the presence of loud but ultimately harmless critics who will only make you more assured of what needs to be done. The Page of Pentacles or the Knight of Pentacles indicates new and exciting sources of money in your life, truly an encouraging development. The Page of Cups and Knight of Cups are excellent cards to combine in a reading with the Queen of Wands, as they indicate the arrival of a lover who appreciates the real you on a deep level that borders close to a spiritual connection. Have you met your soulmate recently?

The King of Wands Tarot Card

Are you finished with rote ways of doing things? Have you become easily bored? Can you see a big picture that features you at the center of a successful quest? Do you pass up the details in order to get on with a project and find yourself filling in the missing information later? Have you been enthusiastic enough lately to pick up the mood of those around you? The King of Wands is the Tarot's card that appears when you are leading the procession up toward a new goal. The card represents the exhilaration of being "the one" but it can also represent an out-of-touch loneliness. If your vision becomes an obsession that does not include others or is constructed without considering the possibility of setbacks and failures, the King of Wands is a card that underscores an isolation created by needing an audience without understanding those very people who gave you their attention.

The king sits on his cloth-covered throne. His long cape matches an awning that hangs tight to the backdrop of his chair's stage. This yellow material has a prominent black lion and a smaller pattern of a lizard swallowing its tail to form a stylized circle. Sharing the stage at the king's feet is a small lizard. The king's gold crown is shaped into small flames. One hand rests at his side; the other holds a large wooden walking stick, shaped from a tree branch.

The lion/lizard-patterned cloth appears in every Tarot card that features a member of the court of Wands (the Queen, the Knight and the Page). It reflects the regal nature of the court as symbolized by the lion (the king of the beasts) and the intuitive nature of the suit of Wands in the symbol of the lizard. The part of our brain that is furthest from language and sophistication still drives our understanding of the world. Many people refer to this deep core of human behavior as the "lizard brain." Wands symbolize the following of one's hunches to fill unique needs within human interaction.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Every Tarot reading has three areas into which a card may be placed: your past, your present and your future. A card may be more important to the reading depending on its placement and its meaning can change as well.

In the past position, the King of Wands describes your recent breakthroughs as creating the foundation upon which you stand. If it refers to the distant past, you are at your core a creative individual whose only setbacks involve not following through. It is not for a lack of talent and desire that your past was not perfect.

The King of Wands in the present position indicates that any project you are working on is an inspired choice and will take you far. There is no time like the present to use your abilities to solve a complex problem. You can get many people to help you as long as you keep them inspired and ensure that the aim of your project has some benefit to them as well. Your ability to delegate is strong and this is an indication of a new level of maturity – you can trust other people instead of trying to do everything yourself. This is a high-water mark in your development on the path to success.

If your Tarot reading features the King of Wands in the future position, understand that any current struggles will be worth it, as you shall soon see the mastery of the different elements of your life honed by your talents into a unified working method. Success is looming when this card is in this position. You will still have to put forth effort, but your current situation can be mined for ways to draw support for what you are trying to accomplish.

Card Combinations
Your Tarot reading deciphers the meaning of the cards, their location, their relationship to you and their influence upon one another. Every card in your reading has an influence on each card dealt out.

Any other court card from the suit of wands adds to the King's success. The Queen of Wands indicates that your goals will be adopted by other people. The Knight of Wands card appearing in a reading sees word of your creativity being spread by the media. The Page of Wands adds much youthful energy to any reading it joins, and with the King card present, your ideas are sure to be seen as new and revolutionary; in fact, you might be seen as a threat to someone in an established position if the King of Pentacles or The Emperor card were to also appear.

When The Lovers card appears in a reading with the King of Wands, your charisma is at an all-time high and you can seduce a great catch with a dramatic ease. The flames that are fashioned on the gold crown of the king depicted on the card are quite similar to the flaming leaves of the tree in the Garden of Eden depicted on The Lovers card, meaning the King of Wands has harvested the core impulses of what it means to be at the dawn of creation. Your intuitive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your projects speeds up their development.

The High Priestess card is an intense member of the Tarot, and when she combines with the King of Wands, look for a friend to have perfect advice for your situation. You will likely not take it though, making the truth within this friend's message all the more powerful. The Moon card has an emotional energy that gives the King of Wands empathy for his fellow human beings. Your vision will be assisted greatly if the thing you are creating benefits large numbers of people, even if those benefits are simply for people to be merely entertained by what you create.

The King of Wands indicates genius is present in your work. If you can pass egomania, the results of your effort will put you into a regal position.

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